Wednesday 28 September 2011

Quality of LED Light

Asking a person who’s not tech-savvy about the advances in LED light technology would get you answers akin to: “It’s not up to the mark!” “It’s good for nothing!” “It went for a toss immediately after its discovery!” Once upon a time, all this was quite agreeable. But it’s 2011 now and not 2007. In the beginning, LED light technology wasn’t much appreciated and was considered a poor innovation. It was very bright as well as harsh. Obviously, who would like to wear sunglasses while looking at the light? However, as the time passed by, the new advancements in this technology transformed it to something we have never seen before. Indeed, the quality of LED light has gone through a significant transformation. 

Now, we can color tune the LED light to any Kelvin. Kelvin is basically a measure of color temperature indicating the hue of a specific type of light source. Ranging from white light (ideal for warehousing, streetlights, etc.) to day light (ideal for hospitals, outdoor lighting, residential, etc.) and warm light (ideal for locations needing softer tones), one has many options to choose.  Moreover, LED lights have solid designing. Their electronic components are built using solid materials. For the comparison, drop a normal light bulb. Everybody knows that it will pop and all the residue of toxic chemicals will spread on the floor. In addition, all this will require a lot cleaning that can even harm us because of the toxic nature of the bulb.

After that, drop an LED light. This time, you need not worry because it won’t break. It’s solid and there are no glass elements in it to break. In addition, LED light doesn’t even heat up. This enables it to give a long service life. The estimated life of an LED light is around 50,000 hours.

Finally, the LED lights are qualitative; they also result in savings. People looking to buy the LED lights can look across their local markets, search for LED Supplies at online stores or can look for the LED Lights Manufacturers online.

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